Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Lots of rain yesterday.  Ø was being a ...  Annoyance on top of annoyance.  Debacle at plantasjen.  Best not to depend on him for sh*t.  Whole bloody argument was because I wanted to buy a chair (on sale) and he just ridicules everything I say ('ooooh 100 kr off on a 399kr chair.. VERY impressive! oooh'  and 'summer's over, you'll never be able to use it til next year').   UGH negative miserable grumpy ass people make me insane.

Repotted cacti seem to be doing well.  Bloom on the small mammillaria in the cold frame.  Put down leaf of Peperomia clusiifolia var. tricolour and a small strawberry begonia from plantasjen. 

Really disappointing germination on strep seeds from ebay. =/  Bleh.  Think I have 8? total out of 200-300 seeds.

I'm going back to plantasjen today.  Not depending on Ø for sure.  Not quite clear on how I'm going to get the bench and chair back home, but I'll figure it out.

Did manage to buy square pots.  Will pot up the cacti from the round pots that constantly fall over into the small square pots.  

Took the plastic tents off the Z. jujuba seedlings.  They're about 4" tall now.  Still somewhat etoliated.  I have 3 in one nursery pot and 1 in the other.  They seem to be tough little boogers, despite my breaking off a taproot etc :(  I think I'll give one of them to Inger...

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